The Benefits and Drawbacks of Living on Campus

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Living on Campus

One of the most significant considerations before starting college is your living environment. Living on campus is a “no-brainer” for many college students because it is what the majority of students do and is practically a “standard” of the college experience. According to The College Board, 40% of full-time college students at public institutions and 64% of full-time college students at private colleges live on campus. The remaining full-time students must either live off-campus or with their parents. Visit melbourne uni housing to know more.

Pros of living on campus:

  • Zero Commute Time: You won’t have to worry about train schedules, parking spots, or traffic. All you have to worry about now is getting a seat in your lecture hall! When you don’t have to get up early and go to your classes, going to a small seminar or lecture doesn’t seem that horrible.
  • You can plan a face-to-face meeting with professors, advisors, and other on-campus resources instead of making a phone call or communicating via email. Having a personal relationship with advisors might help you gain confidence and gain a deeper knowledge of the problem you’re seeking to solve.

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  • Socializing is Easy: When you live on campus, you don’t have to worry about missing the train home or hurrying to get in your car after class to avoid rush hour traffic. Instead, you can stay out on campus, talk to your classmates, and eat something. When you don’t have any other issues on your mind, socializing becomes more natural and easier!
  • You don’t have to worry about this when you live on campus! Another advantage is that you have easier access to entertaining events such as football games, homecoming events, organization/club meetings, concerts, and so on, which can help you feel more connected to the school community.

The disadvantages of living on campus include:

  • Distance from Home/Homesickness: You may need to escape and relax from the collegiate lifestyle by returning to your safe and comfortable home. Perhaps you’re having a bad day and the only thing you can think of to make you feel better is your mother’s renowned soup and a cuddle from the family pet.
  • Living on campus is great until you have too much fun the night before with your buddies and decide to skip all of your classes the next day. It’s easy to slack off and become distracted by parties, sleeping in, and skipping class when you don’t have a parent breathing down your neck and no accountability.
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